Maa Durga Mantras Script

  1. Secret mantras of Goddess Durga - Here you can find some secret mantras of Goddess Maa Durga particularly overcoming to many types of problems, and getting better life of using them.
  2. Powerful Maa Durga Mantras – For Protection – In Sanskrit, English with Meaning Believed as the root cause of creation, sustenance and annihilation, Durga is the principal form of the Mother Goddess in Hinduism. The name ‘Durga’ in Sanskrit means ‘invincible’.

The devotees invoke Maa Durga by fasting, chanting mantras and singing bhajans. Chanting Durga mantras during Navratri will make the occasion more sacred and blissful. As the Magh Gupt Navratri has started from 5 January 2019, here are some of the most divine Durga mantras to chant during Navratri. This is one of the most powerful Durga Devi mantras and is chanted in almost all major occasions, rituals, celebrations of Maa Durga. Regular recital of this mantra gives you wisdom (to choose between right and wrong), and strength (to fight the evils) combined with the blessings to lead a prosperous life. Durga Mantra #7 – Shailputri Mantra.

Durga Mantras are like instruments of the mind that invoke blessings of Durga on her devotees. These mantras strengthen and transform us mentally and physically. In Hinduism, Maa Durga is responsible for the creation and annihilation of the universe if needed. She nurtures and protects her devotees from any sufferings or evil influences. By chanting these auspicious mantras, we devote our mind and body to Maa Durga and seek her blessings in different aspects of our life. Let’s take a close look at each Durga Mantra.

Table of Contents

  • 2 What is Durga Mantra?
  • 3 How to Chant Durga Mantra?
  • 6 Currently my Favorite Online Meditation Course

A Free Printable Puja Guides to help you chant Durga Mantra

I’m so proud of these puja guides, so I couldn’t be more excited to share them with you today!

As you may know by now, I like to write long and helpful posts for my readers. Sometimes, however, I get an idea to do something more, something even more useful.

That’s why I decided to prepare something that people could have in hand while reciting mantras. Something printable, easy to read, and that could act as a puja guide.

Goddess Durga Mantras

That’s how these guides were born.

Each guide has a big picture of a divinity that you need to devote to, a mantra, and a how-to guide to help you prepare yourself for reciting. It’s in A4 format, and all you need to do is to print it.

These Durga Mantra puja guides are completely free; all you need to do is to enter your email in the box below to unlock it.

Just click on one or all of the links below and the free PDF file will download immediately!

What is Durga Mantra?

Durga mantras are hymns or mantras that are dedicated to worship Goddess Durga. These mantras are powerful and protect us from evil forces, sufferings and destroy hardships that we face.


She is one of the most powerful deities of the cosmos. She is also known as Shakti or Divine Mother of the entire universe.

Every syllable of the word ‘Durga’ has immense meaning. The syllable ‘Du’ represents the four evils- poverty, famine, bad habits, and sufferings namely. The syllable ‘r’ signifies diseases, and ‘ga’ is the destroyer of sins, cruelty, and injustice.

The word ‘Durga’ also means invincible. She is considered as a combined form of Goddess Kali, Saraswati, and Lakshmi. Maa Durga is the most worshipped Goddess among Hindus. She is the epitome of power and strength.

Who is the Goddess Durga?

She rose to power when evil forces threatened the existence of the three worlds. To fight the demons, the gods offered their radiance to create her. She also acquired mighty weapons such as the Chakra from Lord Vishnu and the Trishul from Lord Shiva. She killed the dangerous demon ‘Mahishasur‘ and his commanders. That is why she is also known by the name ‘Mahishasurmardini’.

Her eight or ten arms represent the eight quadrants or ten directions in Hinduism. She is a three-eyed Goddess, and Her left eye represents the moon, right eye signifies the sun and the third eye represents knowledge. The lion that she sits on is a representation of Power and determination. She also carries a lot of weapons.

Hindus celebrate the nine divine forms of Durga during Navratri. These forms are Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri.

These nine forms of Maa Durga are manifestations for different reasons connected to the maintenance and protection of the universe, and therefore these forms are worshipped during Navratri. Offering her prayers during these nine days are considered to be highly auspicious.

How to Chant Durga Mantra?

Durga Mantras are devoted towards worshipping Maa Durga, so they need to be chanted with pure devotion. You need to have good intentions and a clean heart to get a positive outcome from these mantras. There are eight Durga Mantras which have specific purposes.

Each of these mantras will lead you to gain unique benefits that will transform your life. Let us look into these special mantras.

These mantras are an essential part of Hinduism and have a positive influence in one’s life. However, these mantras are more effective when chanted by keeping in mind the following points.

  • Take a bath preferably early in the morning and always wear clean clothes when you sit for chanting.
  • Always begin the day with the puja.
  • Try to put an idol or picture of Maa Durga on a platform right in front of you.
  • Always sit facing the East direction.
  • Apply Roli (red colored powdered or red sandal), flowers, Bael leaves and kumkum (vermilion).
  • You have to recite the mantras for at least 45 days with complete devotion.
  • You will need to chant these mantras daily.
  • Chant the mantras 108, 216, 324 or 1008 times every day using the rudraksha beads.
  • Have a clear mind and body and devotee your inner self entirely under the protection of Maa Durga.
  • Sing the songs of Goddess Durga and please her with your prayers and chants. You can offer the dishes that you have prepared, and it does not matter how much you spend for the puja. Your devotion is the only way to please her.
  • Light a Jyoti or lamp of pure ghee in front of Maa Durga’s idol or picture. Make sure this Jyoti burns throughout the puja rituals. You can Keep adding ghee regularly so that it keeps burning bright. Ghee lamps give highly positive vibrations for the ambience of the ceremony.
  • Lastly, Sing Maa Durga’s aarti at the end of the Puja rituals and conclude the puja.

1. DURGA SHATRU SHANTI MANTRA (For protection from enemies)

“Ripavah Sankshyam Yaanti Kalyanam Chop Padyate
Nandate Cha Kulam Punsaam Maahaatyam Mam Srinu Yaanmam.”

We face lots of problems in our lives in the form of adversaries and uncontrollable events. This mantra benefits us by protecting us from enemies and adversaries. If you chant this auspicious mantra regularly, it will remove enemies and jealous people from our lives.

This mantra will also help to possess prosperity and welfare and has the power to eliminate our enemies. It acts as a cocoon around us and makes us immune to anyone who may want to hurt us. Maa Durga acts as a shield between our enemies and us. Reciting this mantra will keep people with ill intentions away from your life and help you prosper without any hindrances.

2. DURGA SARV BAADHA MUKTI MANTRA (for removing obstacles)

“Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah,
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om.”

If you have been facing a blockade in every venture and your ideas fall short of becoming successful. Or you have failed in getting the deal sealed, or you usually face roadblocks in your life. Then it can take you out of this abyss of misery.

This mantra Is known for the removal of any obstacles from your life. It is a protection against any misfortunes and blockages that you encounter in your professional or personal experience.

This powerful mantra also helps women to overcome obstacles in pregnancy by helping them to conceive. Chanting of this mantra on a regular scale will ensure that your life is filled with wealth, prosperity and successful ventures.


“Sarva Mangala Mangalye Sive Sarvatha Sadhike,
Saranye Trayambike Gauri Narayani Namostute.”

The meaning of this mantra is that Maa Durga is the most powerful and auspicious one upon all gods or beings. She protects and nurtures those who surrender themselves entirely to her. She is Gauri, the daughter of the mountain king and the Mother of all the three worlds. We bow down to her and worship her.

This mantra is the most potent mantra of Durga among all the mantras, and it is recited during any ritual, celebrations, and events. Regular chanting of this mantra will bless you with wisdom, strength and prosperous life. It brings all-around success and good luck in all areas of life. It invokes the blessings of Devi Durga and helps us to achieve a better professional and personal life.


“Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Shanti Rupena Sangstitha,
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Shakti Rupena Sangstitha,
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Matri rupena Sangstitha,
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, buddhi rupena Sangstitha,
Namastasyai, Namastasyai, Namastasyai, Namo Namaha.”

Devi Stuti Mantra Translation in English:
The meaning of this mantra is that ‘the Goddess who is omnipresent in this universe as the Universal mother, as the symbol of power and peace. Oh, Goddess who resides everywhere in all living beings in the form of intelligence and beauty. I adore this divine cosmic and omnipresent energy that manifests in every being as love, compassion, patience, strength, prosperity and good luck. I bow to her again and again.’


This universal mantra benefits you by helping you build inner power. It allows you to develop healthy loving relationships with others and yourself. Chanting of this mantra will block negative thoughts and destroy ignorance and vanity.

By chanting this mantra, you are surrendering yourself to the infinite power that is everywhere, and it influences everything around us.

5. DURGA DHYAN MANTRA (For meditation and concentration)

“Om Jataa Jut Samaayuktamardhendu Krit Laksham,
Lochanyatra Sanyuktam Padmendu Sadya Shan Naam.”

This one enhances the power of concentration in your life and work. Students can benefit a lot by practicing this mantra as it helps them to focus on their studies. It encourages them to concentrate better and thus achieve good results.

You can gain more concentration in your professional work or career. Your visual and manifestation capabilities will be heightened by chanting this mantra regularly.

You can recite this mantra anytime, but it should be done daily with utmost dedication. It is also chanted before reciting any other mantra so that you can meditate without any distractions. This mantra is meant to bring about the divine image of Maa Durga in front of our eyes and set a phase to the pujas and worship performed by the devotees with all their heart.

6. DURGA DUH SWAPNA NIVAARAN MANTRA (For protection from bad dreams and omens)

“Shanti Karmani Swapna Darshane,
Grah Pidassu Chograsu Maahaaatmyam Srinu Yaanmam.”

This one will help you to get rid of nightmares and bad omens. It helps to minimize any negative or fearful dreams and give relief from negativity. You can chant this mantra to stop getting annoyed by nightmares when you go to sleep.

If you feel vulnerable while going through a rough patch in your professional or personal life, then this mantra will give peace to you in those difficult times. It also helps to control the malefic effect of the grahas or the planetary movements which can have a negative influence in our daily lives.

If you feel very weak and helpless, due to circumstances then this mantra will remove your fears and make you more confident. It will give you strength and courage to face any negativity in your life and get way ahead of it.

7. DURGA ASHAANT SHISHU SHANTI PRADAAYAK MANTRA (Mantra to calm restless and fearful baby)

“Baal Grah Bhibutaanaam Baalaanam Shantikaarkam,
Sanghatbhede ch nrinaam Maetri Karan Mutmam.”

This powerful mantra benefits those parents who have to deal with restless or scared children. Children get easily scared by dark, or they suffer from spectral problems and are haunted by negative spirits.
Parents of such children can chant this it to remove the presence of any such spectral beings (ghosts, spirits, demons).

This mantra will act as a shield and protect the child from getting exposed to any negative energy. Maa Durga will bestow her blessings on the child and protect them from any harmful invasion.


“Sharnaagat Deenaart Paritraan Paraayaney, Servasyarti Harey Devi Naaraayani Namostutey |
Sarvasvaroopey Sarveshey Sarvshakti Samanvietey, Bhayebhyah Traahi No Devi Durge Devi Namostutey |
Rogaan Shoshaan Pahansitushtarushtatu Kaamaan Saklaan Bhishtaan, Tvaam Aashritaanaam Na Vipannaraanam, Tvaamaashritaahya Shraytaam Prayaanti |
Sarva Badha Prashmanan Trailokya Syakhileshwari, Evamevmev Tvayaa Kaaryam Sma Dveri Vinaashnam |
Sarvaa Baadha Vinirumk To Dhan Dhaanya Sutaan Vitah. Manushyo Mat Prasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sansha Yah |
Dehi Saubhaagyam Aarogyam Dehi Devi Param Sukham.
Rupam Dehi Jayam Dehi Yasho Dehi Dvisho Jahi |
Jyanti Mangalaa Kaali Bhadra Kaali Kapaalinee Durgaa Kshamaa Shivaa Dhaatree Swaahaa Svadhaa Namo Stutey. ||”

Durga mantra benefits

Shakti Mantra Translation in English:
‘Goddess Durga, you are perpetually endeavoring to safeguard the weak and the poor and remove their sufferings. Oh Narayani, I pray to you.
Please protect your devotees from all kinds of fear. When you are pleased, remove our ailments and when you are angry, destroy everything that someone desires.
Bless me with a good fortune, good health, good looks, and success. Oh Vaishnavi, you are the basis for the world. You ensure that we get salvation from the cycle of Life and Death. Take us in your sanctuary and secure us.
Oh Maa Durga, you are known by different names like Kali, Bhadra Kali, Mangala, Kapalinee, Durga, Kshama, Shivaa Dhatri, Swahaa, Swadha. I thus pray to you.’

Chanting this auspicious mantra will please Maa Durga, and she will stay in your favor by protecting you. This one invokes her inner strength and power and leads to a sheltered sanctuary provided by Maa Durga herself.
You need to devote yourself to her entirely, bare your soul to the Durga while chanting this mantra. Once you do that and surrender yourself, your transformation will amaze you.
Through this mantra, Devi Durga protects you from all the evils or mishaps that you may have to face. She will fill your life with good health and good fortune.

Mantras are like a channel that connects our inner self with the deity. They are like mediums that channelize our energy towards a power source.

Chanting of these Durga Mantras subsequently affects you and even the one who listens to it. These mantras are valid only when you are mentally disciplined towards correct recitation and having a stable mind. These are not just mere words; they consist of powerful syllables that can do amazing things.

7 Miraculous Durga Mantra Benefits

The Durga Mantras were designed to obtain the blessings of the deity Durga who is worshipped by different names. She is a provider of health, wealth and success. These mantras invoke her blessings and give us mental, physical and spiritual contentment.

Goddess Durga blesses her devotees only when they pray to her with an open heart. You cannot hold ill feelings and grudges inside your heart and pray to get all the benefits. You need to have a clean heart, and the intentions for chanting these mantras should be harmless and genuine.

Durga Mantras For Protection

There are several amazing benefits that you gain from regular chanting of these mantras.

  1. Removes obstacles: These mantras help to remove the barriers and hurdles from your life. At many times in your personal or professional life, you may face difficulties that don’t allow you to succeed. In those circumstances, they will help to curb those agents that delay your success.

    You will be guided towards a better and prosperous life when the obstacles in your life have been removed.

  2. Spreads positivity: With so much happening around you, it can lead you to dwell on negative thoughts and actions. Too much negativity in and around you will make you unhappy and lethargic.When you regularly chant these mantras, their aura overshadows the negative energy. It will lead to more positivity and contentment in your personal and professional life. This positivity radiated by the mantras also affects others to be more positive. Positive energy will lead to better work and a happy individual.
  3. Protects from bad omens: Any bad omen will be made ineffective if you chant these mantras regularly. You will be protected from such evil energy. Bad omens can disrupt the peace in our peaceful lives leading to some untoward incidents. Whether its work, family or education, these kinds of ill luck and omen leads to failed ventures and ideas.

    When you chant these mantras with full devotion, your bad omens are scared away.

  4. Shields from evil spirits: they will act as a protective shield against any evil spirits that may disturb you. These hymns are powerful enough to use in the exorcism of evil spirits.
    Spectral beings such as ghosts or bhoot won’t stand a chance in front of these mantras. These mantras are very beneficial for parents whose children are haunted by these low beings. Children suffering from disturbances by spectral beings also get relief by chanting them.

    Chanting these mantras regularly with a loving heart will put you under the protective care of Goddess Durga.

  5. Better health and prosperity: For attaining a healthy life for you and your family, reciting these mantras is very vital. They protect you from any evil and encourage prosperity and wealth in your life. These mantras remove ailments and lead us to success in our ventures.

    By chanting these mantras, you are blessed to have a healthy heart and a healthy body. Maa Durga’s blessings will motivate you to work harder and become more successful.

  6. Inner strength and courage: She is known for her fearlessness and strength. These mantras also help to teach qualities like courage, bravery, and self-confidence in you. Regular chanting of these mantras will make you capable enough to handle adverse situations and fight for yourself. You will be more confident about your inner self and learn how to choose right over evil whatever situation arises.

    It will help you to fight those inner demons that we have within ourselves, that always pulls us down. The mantras will boost up your confidence and make you stronger internally.

  7. Spiritual elevation and better concentration: To attain harmony with your inner self, you need to establish that relationship with your mind and soul. This harmony is propagated by chanting these mantras which enhance your spiritual demeanor. They are potent hymns, and they have the potential to make you spiritually stronger and at peace. You can connect with your inner self through the goddess and her divine link.

    These mantras prepare a passage between her and the devotees. Reciting these mantras will make you more content with your inner self which will keep you calm and at peace.

    These mantras are wonderful to help you meditate and increase your concentration power. It is a boon for students and also professional workers who struggle a lot in focusing on their work and easily get distracted.

    They have syllables that will make your mind serene and give you better focus which leads to improved concentration.

Final Thoughts

Maa Durga Mantras Script Font

Goddess Durga is an epitome of strength and courage. She has a divine aura that can nurture like a mother and at the same time destroy evil like an Annihilator.

These mantras are designed to invoke the blessings of Maa Durga on her devotees. Regular chanting of these mantras will ensure you a healthy and prosperous life. It will also help us to gain qualities such as courage and confidence in your life. Chanting will rejuvenate your mind and soul and give you spiritual satisfaction.

Powerful Durga Mantras

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