Kotor 2 Hk 47 Influence

These 2 are the 'Atton/Disciple' cutscenes that occur if your influence is higher w/Di than Atton. Part One (390kb) Part two (446kb) This one is the 'play pazaak in my head' bit w/Atton. (320kb) Atton talking to Bao-Dur about the exile cutscene (317kb) Top; Mira; Mira insulting Atton. What are the answers for the level one written test in the sith academy in korriban?, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Questions and answers, Xbox. Oct 26, 2006 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Influence Walkthrough. (in addition to the +2 Strength/-2 Intelligence that he gains). HK-47 Rewards +1 to. Kotor 2 Hk 47 Influence To Life The Mandalorians declare war on the Republic; the Jedi council, being sanctimonius pricks, officially refuse to involve themselves, and the war goes poorly for the Republic. Eventually a group of rogue Jedi led by Revan join the Republic.

Star Wars KOTORII Sound Files
Non-categorized MP3's || Atton .wavs || Disciple .wavs || Mira .wavs || HK47/50 .wavs
Kreia .wavs || Bao-Dur .wavs || Group .wavs || Cut bits .wavs || Music .wavs ||Kotor2 Gallery
Yes, it's another ugly text-only page! I'll fancy it up someday....maybe. :)Dec. 27, 2005 UPDATE: After a long silence, I'm finally making some more. The new ones will all be mp3's. The list for the newer ones are towards the bottom of the page - they aren't categorized this time. Cheers.I love the voices in this game...Anyone (PC version) can splice the sound files together, but hey, XBoxer's can't, and some people don't want to do it themselves, so I'm sharing. :D Since dialogues in the game are often dictated by the player-character's responses, I pick the 'route' that I personally enjoy - or just from memory - so you might find some differences from what you remember while playing. Sound files tend to be big for their running length. Dial-up beware.
These are all .wav extensions, but you can rename them to .MP3 if you wish. Most recently added ones will be on 'top' of the individual lists. All English, since, well, I have the English version. All © Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. etc..
Atton Rand
  • Atton says a few intro lines leading into the 'Did you find the mining uniform?' bit. (214kb) --Female Exile style.
  • These are 3 'going to the darkside' bits between Atton & Kreia. 2 of these are based on learning his secret then losing influence w/Atton before triggering the Kreia cutscene.Number 1 & 3 are detailed on the cutdialog page but I included the one where they talk of Disciple being a 'spy' (whichplays after the cutscene where Atton confronts Di about sending a msg) too.
    For those who can't bear to not have high influence w/Atton, they might like these.
    Part One (84kb)
    Part Two (250kb)
    Part Three (120kb)
  • Atton's 'dark past' segment, about the woman who saved him. (1.1MB) --This is not the entire 'turn Atton toJedi' convo - just the part about the Jedi woman.
    Same as above only a lot lower quality for a smaller file. (636kb) ---For those who might want it.
  • These 2 are the 'Atton/Disciple' cutscenes that occur if your influence is higher w/Di than Atton.
    Part One (390kb)
    Part two (446kb)
  • This one is the 'play pazaak in my head' bit w/Atton. (320kb)
  • Atton talking to Bao-Dur about the exile cutscene (317kb)
  • Mira insulting Atton. (283kb) -- Atton saying he doesn't trust Disciple, which leads Mira to insulting Atton about being boring & scratching his 'equipment'. Another one I'm not sure if it's in-game or not?
  • Please note that more than half of the following soundclip is 'made up' using snippets from other scenes, in order to give it a more complete feeling. If you'd like to know more about what exactly I included beyond the cut bits, you can read this small .txt file here.
    Disciple using a holocron on Dantoonie to begin the 'train me to be a Jedi' convo. (840kb)
  • Wound in force must be healed cutscene. (279kb) -- 'Close your eyes, feel the universe, strip away the life aboard the ship...' Nice Di voice.
  • Are you sure you need healing? You look good to me. (180kb) -- If he wasn't so clueless, I'd say he was flirting.
  • Disciple saying 'You have fallen far' in a choked voice. (27kb) -- Not sure if this was in-game - as part of his 'I notice you're getting evil/dark' lines - or not?
  • Disciple's 'want to train as a (Dark) Jedi' lines. (179kb) -- He almost sounds...mad.
Not familiar enough with this guy, so all his files, unused or not, will go here.
  • This is the introduction conversation w/Bao-Dur by the Telos shuttle crash site. It's a very long segment, so I'm going to break it up into two parts as well as have a full version.Partly because I probably won't finish the 2nd half till later tonight. :PThanks to Cyandia for helping to figure out what order all the non-sequential files went into. What a pain!
    Telos Crash Convo Part One. (670kb). -- Starts with Bao's greeting and ends with Kreia saying 'Yes our current situation isa vast improvement...'
    Telos Crash Convo Part Two. (880kb) -- Starts w/Atton saying 'Beats me, no one's supposed to be here...'and ends with Bao-Dur's 'That's the plan.'
    Telos Crash Convo Parts 1 & 2 combined (1.56MB) -- That was way too many files to put together.... :P
Not familiar enough w/these guys to know if lines are 'in-game' or not, so they'll all go here.
  • HK-50 describing Peragus' maintence officers fate. (355kb) -- Oh no my leg!
  • 'Statement: 'Oh very well Master, no doubt you are bothering me because...' (166kb) One of HK's sarcastic rejoinders when you ask to speak to him?
  • HK says he's rusty and has no personality. (250kb) -- Several seemingly matching files from one folder. Cute.
  • HK50 mocking Coorta on Telos. (110kb) -- 'Mocking Query:Coorta, Coorta are you dead yet?'
  • HK torturing another HK? (245kb) -- 'Agonized statement: My photo-receptors! My photooo receptors!'
  • Kreia confronts Sion on the Peragus (419kb) - Starts off with a line from Sion that I've neverpersonally heard in-game, but who knows...
  • Kreia describes to Handmaiden what the Force feels like. (260kb)
    Kreia describes to Handmaiden what the absence of the Force feels like. (375kb)
  • Kreia's 'Jedi....' tormenting Disciple cutscene (172kb) - love her voice in this one.
  • Aquiring Visas/EbonHawk (620kb) -- With Disciple's lines.
    Aquiring Visas/EbonHawk (620kb) -- With Handmaidens lines.
  • Bao-Dur/Atton on Telos Surface. (110kb) -- Bao-Dur spies a sentry droid and Atton makes a comment about using Bao as a bargaining chip.
  • Handmaiden/Atton cutscene. (316kb) -- Where Atton walks in on Handmaiden exercising and theyhave a small spat.
  • The files for this could be put together in many ways, I did the best I could...I'm pretty sure this was cut from the final game (supposed to be a cutscene), as the Restoration Mod project mentions it, but as usual I'm not 100% sure...
    T3 and Atton play pazaak. (335kb)
  • The 'That's my ship!' segment in Nal Shadda. --- I spliced together Atton/Disciple/Handmaiden's bits in, even tho you can't have all 3 in your party at once.(612kb)
  • All the NPC's say 'Apathy is Death!' (146kb) -- (HK47 is particularly amusing) This is in-game, butnot all the NPC voices were used.
Cut bits -- Not in the final game far as I know:
Not categorized. Recent on top.
  • Atton telling the Twin twileks on Nal Shadda what he was really hoping for. (63kb)
  • Apparently these lines are some of those that are 'unlocked' with repeated wins of the game - however, they don't always unlock for some folks...like me.
    Atton Nal Shadda intro, with Handmaiden insulting his bathing habits.(176kb)
    Same as above, only this time it's Disciple giving the insult. (163kb)
Music (don't blame me for the low recording quality of the in-game music....)
I'm not putting together all the music files to make long complete compositions, as I'd have no clue what file 'connects' to what file. Most of these are 30 to 60 seconds long.
  • I lied. I decided to put all the 'long' battle music files into one huge file, in the order that they appear in the folder. There's about one second inbetween each piece. Yes some of them sound like they abruptly cutoff, that's because they're supposed to be looping files. The whole file runs about 15.5 minutes. This is the original lower quality music.
    Battle Music (Long) (6.3MB)
    • mus_kreiadark.wav (246kb) -- A familiar theme in the game.
    • mus_sion.wav (416kb)
  • Newer Various Mixed Files (mp3 format)
    THERE BE SPOILERS HERE. Most of the time these will be light-side conversation paths.
  • Atris greets/confronts the Exile (4.8MB) - Lightside convo w/Atris where she pulls out 'your' lightsaber. The entire thing, including Handmaidens brief questions at the end. Runs about 5 minutes.
  • Kreia/Atton in Atris' Academy (3.9MB) - The cutscene when you enter the Academy and Kreia gets Atton's 'secret' out of him and blackmails him to help the Exile. Runs about 4 minutes.
  • Atton/Echani Training (1.5MB) - Convo after you rescue Atton/Kreia in Atris' Academy. Darkside version of trying to get Atton to reveal his Echani training history.
  • Visas on her homeworld (1.2MB) - 'To see everything around you extinguished, it was as if I was blinded, as if the Force had been bled from the world...' What a sad, breathy voice...
  • Disciple after the Enclave (1.3MB) - Where he tries to comfort the Exile
  • Kriea/Atris (1.3MB) - Kriea's chat with Atris before the Exile arrives. About 1.5 minutes.
  • Kriea/T3/Atton (755kb) - When you first board the Ebon Hawk. T3 interrupts Kreia, Atton insults the droid & Kriea, Kreia walks away.
  • Atton/T3 (330kb) - 'Tweetdeetdeet' 'Huh? What is that piece of junk saying?'
  • Kriea/Sion (700kb) - Starts with 'I sense you my Master, faint, weak.' etc. Just sounds better than the first version.
  • Atton (335kb) - 'Damnit hold on it's only a little farther, don't give up on me now.'
  • Atton/Kriea bickering (420kb) - 'You two are the worst Jedi I've ever met.'
  • Atton meets Kriea (490kb) - 'What did you guys suddenly start breeding when I wasn't looking?'
  • HK50 recites what happened to the maintence officer. (900kb) - Contains the 'ohnomyleg' bit from above, but this is the whole convo bit and sounds better. :P
  • So, how long you been a Jedi? (970KB) - Atton making small talk. About 1 minute.
  • Freeing Atton (4.5MB) - The entire conversation from 'Niice outfit' all the way to 'The console's all yours.' Runs about 4 minutes 45 seconds.
  • Return to GalleryTop of Page

    1) Ebon Hawk – Pick your party members and head outside the Ebon Hawk. If you don’t want to be noticed make sure you put your lightsaber away as the locals don’t view Jedi kindly.


    As you step out a woman will tell you to speak with Administrator Adare to complete your business in khoonda. You’ll also meet Tarn here who will run away if he sees your lightsaber.

    Pato Ado is also here and he will sell you Pazaak cards or play Pazaak with you. If you win enough games against him he’ll give you a rare piece of armour.

    2) Droid Merchant Akkere – This merchant sells the HK Control Cluster, a necessary part in restoring the HK-47 if you haven’t already found it on another planet.

    Later one, once you have found his Hydrospanner in one of the Defense Droids in Khoonda you can ask him about it. He’s been taking parts to sell in his shop. You can either turn him in or ask him to join the militia to help with the defense of Khoonda.

    Akkere also sells Thorium Charges which can be used on the locked doors in Dxun and Korriban that can’t be opened any other way.

    3) Entrance to Khoonda Administrative Center

    4) Saedhe – This guy has lost his atmospheric sensors. You’ll find them by searching a pile of rubble in the Crystal Cave. If Bao-Dur is in your party he can open them and discover there has been surveillance by Zherron. You can take these to Administrator Adare in Khoonda and have Zherron replaced or sell them to Saedhe for 3,000 or 4,000 credits with persuade.

    5) Crystal Cave Entrance – Once you have finished the Jedi Enclave and the Crystal Cave and come back outside you’ll be confronted by the Mercenary Leader Azkul and 6 of his friends. I don’t recommend taking these mercenaries on until you have levelled up a fair bit.

    If you refuse to help him he will attack immediately. If you either pretend to help him, to avoid a fight, or actually want to help him because you’re following the Dark Side then he’ll have a few tasks for you. First to sabotage the Defense Turrets and then to Disable the mines. The mines are outside the Khoonda Administrative building and you can sabotage the Turrets from inside Khoonda. Return to Azkul and tell him you are ready for the invasion.

    Kotor 2 Hk 47 Influence

    6) Exit to Enclave Courtyard

    7) Exit to Enclave Courtyard

    There’s a lot to do here in Khoonda. Your first task is to speak with the Administrator Adare and get permission from her to enter into the Enclave Sublevel.

    Zherron at #7 will also have a Crystal Cave quest. His assistant, Berun Modrul at #5, wants you to find the atmospheric sensors in the Crystal Caves to see if Zherron is up to anything suspicious.

    There are locked areas of Khoonda that you’ll get the passkey for once you agree to help with the defenses.

    1) Exit to Khoonda Plains

    2) Suulru the Farmer – Someone has stolen his moisture vaporators. The culprit is Jorran and can be found in the Enclave Sublevel. Once you confront Jorran you’ll find him again in the Enclave Courtyard where you can persuade him to give them to you. Speak with Suulru again for a reward. Later you can ask Suulrto to join the militia to help with the defense of Khoonda.

    3) Gerevick the Mighty – He sure has a mighty ego! He won’t talk to you but will confront you with his goons when you try to leave the Enclave Sublevel.

    4) Administrator Adare – Speak with Adare for some basic information about what’s been going on and get permission to enter the Enclave Sublevel. You’ll come back to Adare once you’ve met with Master Vrook.

    5) Zherron’s Assistant, Berun Modrul – He has his suspicions about Zherron and wants you to find the atmospheric sensors in the Crystal Cave. You can hand these in to Adare and Zherron will be temporarily removed but it turns out the Zherron is justified and will be reinstated. You’re better off selling the sensors to Saedhe outside the Crystal Cave instead.

    6) Adum Larp, Merchant – This Rodian was a merchant selling weaponry in the first Knights of the Old Republic game. Once again you can purchase a selection of items from him.

    7) Zherron – Speak with Zherron about clearing out the Crystal Caves. You can return for a reward of 2,000 credits. Once you’ve been to the Enclave Sublevel and found both dead salvagers you can return their items to him for Light Side points or forge the Will for Dark Side points.

    8) Turret Control – Once Adare has asked you to help defend Khoonda you can use the console here to program the Defense Turrets outside the facility. You can either have them fire on the Mercenaries for the Light Side or to fire on the Khoonda Milita for the Dark Side.

    9) Exit to Khoonda Plains

    10) Droid Station – If you are helping with the Khoonda defenses then activate all of these droids and optimize them. Use the console to program them to fire on the mercenaries or sabotage them to fire on the Khoonda militia.

    One of the droids will have a Hydrospanner. Take this to Akkere in the Khoonda Plains and ask him to explain himself.

    11) Medical Lab – Either program the medical droid to treat the injuries of the wounded soldiers or go around and treat all of their injuries yourself. They will help with the defense of Khoonda later.


    12) Storage Area – Lots of random items. Can be accessed from the outside through the door at #13.

    13) Entry from Khoonda Plains

    1) Exit to Khoonda Plains

    2) Rubble with Atmospheric Sensors – Search the rubble here to find the Atmospheric Sensors that Saedhe asked you to find.

    Kotor 2 Max Influence

    3) Ahrnell – This Twilek has discovered a way of moving through the caves without being attacked by Kinrath by using a Kinrath Gland. For Dark Side points you can kill him for it or ask to look at it and not give it back.

    4) Kinrath Matriarch – This is where you’ll battle the Kinrath Matriarch and all her little hatchlings. Once you have killed them all search the crystals for a lightsaber crystal with your name. It’s the most powerful crystal in the game.

    5) Mercenary Camp – You can only have the encounter here once you have finished the Enclave Sublevel. You’ll get a clue to Vrook’s location which will lead you here.

    For the Light Side defeat the Mercenaries and “rescue” Vrook. Vrook will chastise you as it was his plan to be kidnapped all along. Head to the exit and get ready for the defense of Khoonda.

    For the Dark Side you can tell the Mercenaries you want him dead. You’ll have to fight with them and then Vrook. He’ll run away for you to deal with later.

    When you leave the Crystal Cave you’ll be confronted by Mercenaries.

    If you’re coming here for the first time you’ll want to speak to the Mercenaries and the Salvagers. They’ll have some optional side quests for you and the mercenaries will eventually tell you about the attack on Khoonda. If you’ve met all of the Jedi Masters and completed the attack or defense on Khoonda then you can enter the Jedi Enclave at #6.

    1) Exit to Khoonda Plains

    2) Mercenary Camp – If you bring Mandalore (from Dxun) he’ll receive a challenge from Esok who wants his Helm. Dopak is the leader of this camp and he’ll give you some information about what they’re up to.

    3) Salvager Camp – The Salvagers have been going into the Enclave Sublevel looking for items. Davaala will be willing to sell you some Jedi related items and will tell you about the two Salvagers who have died in the Sublevel.

    Ralon will try to sell you a Holocron. You can use your Awareness or common sense to work out that it’s a fake. If you speak kindly to him he’ll tell you about hiw wife and children. You can give him 500 credits for Light Side points and the fake Holocron.

    Jorran will be here once you’ve found him in the Enclave Sublevel. He has some Jedi items for sale as well. Once you are ready for the Khoonda defense you can come back and ask him to join the militia.

    4) Exit to Khoonda Plains

    5) Entrance to Enclave Sublevel – When you approach this entrance you’ll be approached by a salvager Tac Palae who tells you of Jorran who’s still stuck inside the Enclave.

    6) Entrance to Rebuilt Jedi Enclave – You’ll only have access to this once you’ve met all of the Master Jedi including Master Vrook.

    Initially you come to the Enclave Sublevel looking for Master Vrook. Instead you’ll find a Datapad with a clue to his whereabouts. Once you finish this level you’ll need to return to the Crystal Cave and rescue Vrook from the Mercenaries.

    1) Exit to Enclave Courtyard

    2) Jorran, Trapped Salvager – Once you’ve cleared the area of Laigreks you can tell him that the coast is clear and he’ll leave his hideout. He’s found a few items that you can purchase from him right away or back at the Salvager’s camp.

    3) Dead Salvager

    4) Dead Salvager – The second body you recover will have a Will on it. You can return the bodies and the Will to Zherron or the Salvagers at their camp. For Dark Side points you can forge your name onto the Will and give it to Zherron.

    5) Droid Bay & Workbench – You can repair the droids and send them out to patrol the corridors. They’ll help clear the area of Laigreks. The Workbench here can be used to upgrade your items.

    6) Storage Bay Console – You’ll find a Datapad which tells you about the Storage Bay in the room to the west. The door can be opened by overloading the terminal and causing it to explode. Just make sure you’re out of the room when it explodes!

    7) Disciple – This man is working for the Jedi and has lots of information about Vrook and the other lost Jedi. If you have a female as the main character then Disciple will join your party. If not, you can find him back at Khoonda.

    Search the Statue and read the Datapad for information on where Vrook is being held, the Mercenary Camp in the Crystal Cave.

    As you are leaving the Enclave Sublevel you’ll be confronted by Gerevick. He’s brought a few thugs with him and will fight you no matter what you say. Once you defeat them head to the Crystal Cave to find Master Vrook.

    When you have completed all of the other quests return to Administrator Adare (or the Mercenaries) to prepare for the defense (Light Side) or attack (Dark Side) on Khoonda. There are basically four things that you can either do to help or sabotage the Khoonda defense. Place or remove mines around the perimeter of Khoonda, program the Turrets to attack enemies or Khoonda militia, activate the Droids and set them to attack friends or foes and lastly treat the injured soldiers so they can join in the battle.

    Once this is done return to either Zherron (for the defense) or the Mercenaries (for the attack) and let them know you’re ready to go. You’ll have a pretty tough battle ahead of you so keep your party members together and heal them up when needed.

    Once the battle is complete and you have found all of the lost Jedi you can now enter the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave. If you haven’t completed the Master of the Palace quest you may want to do that now and come back to Dantooine for the end-game storyline later.

    Next: Dantooine & Citadel Station Redux

    Kotor 2 Influence Guide

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