Things To Do In Steelport

Things to do in steelport

So everyone’s packed up and left, but you were forced to hang around by a final scheduled in the last possible timeslot. The apartment is yours now. You’ve already rifled through their belongings, that’s child’s play. Here are a few things to do when you’re home alone in an empty apartment.


8.) Buttknob:
Drop your drawers, spread your cheeks, and press your bare asshole against the cold metal doorknob. You’ve always thought about it, and now you have the freedom to try. Does the bathroom knob feel different than the front door? Only one way to find out!

Things To Do In Steelport - Family-Friendly Edition. Hit the plane, save, quit, load and then play with generic character until you can do plastic surgery. Jump in the speedboat and head out to the indicated waypoint. You'll come to a barge, and you'll approach it from the rear. Hit the gas, and you'll launch your speed boat up into the back of the.

7.) Primal scream:
If you’ve never let out a blood-curdling scream (for fun, not actual terror), you’ve never experienced how deeply invigorating it can be. Chances are your neighbors are gone too, so release all the stress that is waking consciousness by screaming into the abyss.

6.) Masturbate openly:
Yes, you masturbate every night when you “go to bed at 11 p.m.” But that’s under the covers on your bed. This time, baby, spread wide on the couch on the living room and chromecast some weird porn onto your TV. Finish with the aforementioned primal scream, and boy howdy we’ve got a stew goin’.

  1. Even with all of these wonderfully extreme activities, the simple act of driving around Steelport is still one of my favorite things to do in the game. I like the way cars handle in Saints Row 3 and they feel as good to me now as they ever have. Steelport is a big place but it never feels overwhelming in the way more modern open-world games have.
  2. So everyone’s packed up and left, but you were forced to hang around by a final scheduled in the last possible timeslot. The apartment is yours now. You’ve already rifled through their belongings, that’s child’s play. Here are a few things to do when you’re home alone in an empty apartment. 8.) Buttknob: Drop your.
  3. Find Things To Do in Steelpoort Valley, Mpumalanga. Popular activities for tourists. See photos and read reviews to help you choose the perfect things.

Saints Row 4 Sandbox+ Mod

5.) Sit in a bath of noodles:
Speaking of stew, deep down anyone who’s ever shared a living space has wanted to bathe in a tub of noodles then feed those noodles to their roommate. Buy some spaghetti, boil it up, pour it in your bathtub (with some salt to taste), sit in said bath for 40-60 minutes, drain the bath, package the noodles, and freeze them in anticipation of a cold January night, perfect for roommate soup ‘n movie night!

4.) Haunt the place:
That’s right, you need to make the apartment haunted. Murdering a small child in your bedroom or making several old people very mad before they die in hopes they follow you home should do the trick. Either way, someone’s gotta take the blame for the Sunny-D that keeps disappearing from the fridge, and it ain’t gonna be you.

3.) Scour the ground for loose Adderall beads:
Your little bitch of a roommate has a prescription to Adderall but left before giving you any. At some point they probably cracked one of the capsules opened to split, and even if you’re done with finals, it’d be pretty cool to get real focused up and go to town on Star Fox. So get down on your hands and knees and put your tongue to any little orange-white bead you can find.

2.) Stare into the mirror:
With roommates, it can be hard to spend extended amounts of time staring at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. You’re all so busy! But now that they’re gone, you can hit the lights and glare into the mirror waiting to see who fucking blinks first.

1.) Do the dishes:
People say it’s a chore to fuck dishes, but it’s easier than it looks. All you need is a few soft-rubber-ended tongs, a spatula, some Dawn Escapes Dishwashing Fluid® (heated to preference) and a bowl for fluid-collection — the rest is self-explanatory. You’ll never hear your roommates complain again!

Steelport Saints Row

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